The RoadShare campaign has garnered support from segments across society, including MSPs, athletes, surgeons, businesses and more. Here are some of our well-known academics/writers/journalists who have given us their backing.
“We know for the
good of health, happiness and the planet it makes sense to get to
school, work and shop on bikes. The last survey found 36% of Scots
have a bike in the garage – but only 4% use it regularly on the
road. The main reason for the disparity – not rain, not hills not
even bad hair. It’s fear of being struck by
“Other European nations
countries massively increased cycle use by building cycle paths
that are separated from roads and pedestrians – and by changing the
law so drivers are presumed to be in the wrong if there’s an
accident. Having cycled in Oslo and Copenhagen I can testify to the
“kid glove treatment” given by drivers to cyclists and
“The “strict liability” law is rarely used– it’s changed driving behaviour so profoundly. Just like seatbelts we will look back one day and wonder how on earth we ever tolerated the mayhem on our roads before we put the onus on drivers to take more care.”
"The UK and other countries without a strict liability law are almost 30 years behind early adopters such as Denmark, the Netherlands and France, who introduced similar clauses in the mid-1980s. All the big cycling countries have some form of strict liability. This is a positive development for Scotland but must be seen within the context of better infrastructure, more funding and better conditions on the road as well.”
Having lived in Norway
where a strict liability rule is in place, Mr Martin said that he
has seen the benefits first hand.
“I would be very much for it. The impression I got from Norway is that car drivers become much more aware of cyclists and they become much more visible. The highest visible clothing on the street is the dark blue of the policeman’s uniform — you notice the things that are important to you."
“On a long ride
from Land's End to John O’Groats last year I became really aware of
how cyclists are often considered as second class citizens. I've
reached the conclusion that the only way things will change will be
to get more and more people cycling and to do that cyclists will
have to feel much safer on the road.
Like many people I've been really concerned at the number of collisions between motor vehicles and cyclists in Scotland, many fatal, and how so many of the drivers who have caused the accidents appear to be treated very leniently by the criminal courts. We really need presumed liability and a change to Scotland's civil law."
The Road
Share campaign has set up a steering group to take things
To find out more about the individual members of the Steering group and its overall remit.
The campaign has attracted Cross Party support at Holyrood. See who is supporting, who is undecided and who doesn't support the campaign.
Campaign has successfully attracted a number of celebrity
supporters who feel strongly about the introduction of presumed
liability and have given their support.
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